About us

Mayssa Rjiba

Mayssa Rjiba

Mechatronics engineer currently doing a master's degree in industrial management in mechatronics. She's been passionate about cars from the age of 10 so she chose to ride her dream up to a career.

Maria Doglioni

Maria Doglioni

Industrial Engineer attending Master in Electronics and Robotics at the University of Trento. Passionate about fixing stuff, wondering how things work and problem solving.

Fabio Iengo

Fabio Iengo

BS in mechanical engineering, MS student for mechatronics engineering, with a specific interest in autonomous systems and robotics. Very passionate about his work, new technology, and animals.

George Punter

George Punter

George holds a MEng in Electronic & Information Engineering from Imperial, studying Autonomous Systems, and is passionate about making the world a better place through various business ventures.

Our values


  • Low ecological footprint
  • Sustainably produced materials
  • Safe autonomous driving

Retro-futuristic, User-First Design

  • Enhancing original design features
  • Innovative application of advanced technology
  • Interactive & engaging design process

Quality Engineering

  • Bespoke manufactured components
  • Extensive quality-testing
  • Safe & enjoyable driving experience

These values drive everything we do at Fabmotor.

Throughout everything we do, we will strive to consider the ethics of each situation, choosing ecologically-friendly & sustainably produced materials wherever possible, and only introducing the safest of autonomous driving advances.

Our design revolves around the term retro-futuristic; we will always seek to preserve the heritage & design features from the era of the car we're working on; however, as some parts become obsolete (e.g. old, unsafe seatbelts), and new parts are introduced (e.g. control switches & displays), we will re-purpose or replace existing parts in a way that embodies the nostalgia of the experience of owning a Fabmotor classic.

These decisions will not be made behind your back. At Fabmotor, we seek to involve our clients at every stage of the process; letting you have a say in the creation of the car of your dreams.

What's our mission?

Photo by Skitterphoto 

Every year, more gasoline cars are going extinct - much like the dinosaurs whose bones lie in the fuel they breathe.

They've taken a long road: once hailed as wonders of both technology & design, they live out their lives proudly, until both technology & public health policies catch up. The lucky few are shipped away to lands with lower vehicle safety & emissions standards, free to live out their last days with purpose, spluttering black smoke into the night, before being laid to rest.

Photo by Riccardo Fissore

What can be worse than such a story of a slow death in a foreign land?

Only a story of a much slower, more hapless death. A fall from grace so large in scale it beggars belief. Think to the champions. The Jaguar E-type. The Porsche 911. The Fiat Spider 124. Hallmarks of design & engineering. What happened to them? Kept. Collected. Sitting for years, some well-cared for, but the others - rusting away into nothingness. Too valuable to use or sell, and too old to use in earnest, to drive, to live.

Photo by Sean Stratton

Those few in good enough condition to drive are with each day one step closer to obsolescence. Each trip tainted with the sour taste of toxic gases sitting in the back of your throat and the throats of those you passed by. With the world waking up to the millions of premature deaths caused by pollution, will it still be cool in 10 years time to roll through town on dinosaur juice? Will it even be legal?

Classic car ownership is well on the road to becoming a collectors-only game. Traders buying and selling as they would paintings or figurines. Groups of enthusiasts flocking to watch the final races of this dying breed, the toxic smells of benzene, nitrogen, and carbon oxides, and nostalgia permeating their lungs. Pieces of history and nothing more.

At Fabmotor, we want to bring history back to life. Breathe new life into the classics of old.

Give you history you can drive.

So, what are you waiting for?